Hello and welcome back! I've been pretty busy lately except for the past couple of weeks when I've been enjoying some much needed time off and took the opportunity to do a few things around the house, hang with some good friends, and got one of my eyes lasered again, since it had regressed from my surgery waaaay back when! Just so the IBO's know, I paid cash for my surgery, even though having any sort of financial acumen is impossible if you aren't listening to Amway motivational CD's.
I have a number of topics to write about, however, my first post back is a rather critical comment I posted at the blog of a current WWDB IBO who basically generalized that anyone who doesn't think Amway absolutely rules is uninformed. This also comes from someone who criticizes having a mortgage. Here's the interesting thing about having a mortgage. We bought our house 5 years ago, and had it appraised this week. Guess what? My home value has more than doubled in that time. I was likely more surprised than anyone, but there I was standing there beside myself!
I will ask you, dear and faithful Reader what you can do to get a better than 100% return on investment in the Amway world that doesn't involve the unproven motivational system? I'll let you guess at the answer. To be fair, we have done a lot of renovations and improvements to our house, but always in cash. WOW! I know not to go into debt if I don't have to and I don't even listen to motivational CD's and read the recommended books! Nor do I travel and pay money to listen to the soothsayers speak. How can that be?
To top it all off, I'm also pretty good looking with a hot wife and a great bunch of kids. Try to contain your jealousy.
Jesus Guthrie, you come across as a pretty pompous ass on this one
1. People not liking Amway doesn't make them ignorant. You are the first to bristle if someone challenges your opinion on liking it. Hypocrite much?
2. Just being around since 1959 doesn't mean it's good. The present Cuban government has been around since the revolution in 1959. Does that make it the best government in the world?
3. Please show just one little link from the BBB(***EDIT - I meant to write FTC....I think my point is still valid****)which states that Amway is the preferred model to follow when it comes to MLM. You can't because the BBB has never stated that. They have stated that as longas there is product selling it isn't a pyramid, which is why Amway had the 10 customer rule which in my experience was NEVER followed, and I suspect today it is seldom followed due to poor value in the products. (ie. they cost a shitload of money for no apparent reason. Don't forget the shipping too!
4. It's not old school to call Amway names and consider it a pyramid. I do both and I've been around it a lot longer than you have. I consider being gung ho about Amway brainwashed, but I don't go around like Foghorn Leghorn about it like you are in this post.
5. So the only negative is from people who are uneducated? Rather sweeping statement, yes? If it's OK, then I will just call everyone in Amway a brainwashed fool since sweeping statements are OK by your example. And Amway's image still is in the toilet. Any significant growth is NOT in North America.
6. So if you are in Amway you automatically have integrity? You really believe that? How would one know someone with integrity for certain? Are we to assume that all WWDB folks have integrity? 'Cause I know that ain't true, Chief. You should know better too, you just have lost all critical thinking skills and have over invested in this rinky dink business thinking it's your only chance at success. Bad move.
7. By your logic, I should ask someone with a financial stake in a company if it's a good company. So if my banker says I should invest in certain investments because they are good (and he makes commission by selling it to me) does that make it a good idea? It does not. The same logic can be applied to Amway man. You need to think about it. You really do.
8. What types of "benefits" can we expect to see because the Detroit Red Wings are "using" the Nutrilite vitamins? Faster? Stronger? These are elite athletes man. Don't you think if the vitamins were all they were hyped to be they would be using them already? Ironically, those millionaire hockey players will likely get a better deal on those shitty vitamins than you!
I'll let you in on a little secret and give you some excellent advice. Go off system for 3 months and see if you still feel the same way. See if your upline still loves you and tells you you are the best and on fire!
I doubt you'll post this, and that's OK I'll just post it on my blog. This one really struck a nerve with me, and I'm sure your friends have noticed a solid difference in you, not necessarily for the better either. You are progressing as most IBO's do.
You didn't post my last comment when I told you that I didn't need to be on some motivational system to spend less than you earn. Nice! Your blog, so you can do what you like! In my experience, not being open to disagreement and controlling information is a hallmark MLM trait! Check out the Amthrax blog and you'll see a case study in a person that I'm sure WWDB had speaking on their stages!
Enjoy the long weekend!