Where Is Amway Now?
I'm reading with a great deal of interest about the oil spill near Battle Creek, Michigan. I did a quick Google map check and learned that Battle Creek is a little over an hour away from Grand Rapids. I haven't come across anything that Amway has said or done about the recent Michigan Oil Spill
What I'm really surprised about (sort of) is the lack of any public response from Amway. There's been a concerted effort in the past 5 years by Amway to try and improve their (incredibly decimated) image. They continuously seek recognition for things they do for the environment and people, both internationally and domestically.
On top of that, they make a specific point of making sure everyone knows they are using alternative sources of power to help the environment!
If Amway has actually done anything about this, then they don't appear to be using their regular PR programs they have in place.
There's pictures all over the news of Canada Geese walking around covered in oil. I can't help but wonder if a few truckloads of LOC wouldn't help clean up the wildlife and contaminated plant life? After all, according to Amway it cleans away everything, but harms nothing.
With Amway's reminders about how great they are at organizing volunteers, you'd think they would be taking up a leadership role in helping clean up this unfortunate mess. They could help the other folks who have chosen to be part of the solution and organize a response.
I guess I'm just confused about why Amway hasn't taken the opportunity to jump all over this and be part of the solution of a major problem less than 100 miles away from them!
I find it strange that a company that makes mention of all the buzz words about environmental stewardship doesn't seem to even acknowledge what some are calling the biggest oil spill in the history of central USA!
Maybe Amway Global means that they need to focus all their good deeds in parts of the world they will receive their greatest return on the good will they are so vocal about providing.
Please Note, I'm certainly not forgetting that Enbridge needs to get their shit together and get this mess cleaned up asap!
But I would've thought that Amway would have done more. I'm sure Michiganders would be more disappointed than I.