Monday, December 11, 2006


Are you a disgruntled IBO? Do you feel that you were told things that were not true?


Are you a happy IBO? Do you feel that everything you have been told is true and accurate?

The reason I ask is because I was just on a "leader's" password protected sire, and I can see why someone would be pissed off after taking a step back and absorbing what your "leader" shared with you. I will not mention the "leadership" line so as not to cause problems for the person who gave it to me, but here's a few tidbits of wisdom when pre-defending people's research results on the net:

Sam Walton (Wal-Mart) was a success, but was considered the antichrist. So I did a google search with "Sam Walton" + "Antichrist" and got here.

Now, I got a good laugh out of that particular site, and you can take from it whatever you like. I just left it at getting in a good laugh.

My opinion is you're not very smart if you take that kind of website seriously. It's a parody, and it proves nothing.

Why a "leader" feels the need to pre-defend this fantastic opportunity is beyond me, so let's just call it what it is. Preemptive Spin Doctoring

I'll be back with more tidbits from these secret protected sites. If you are a former or current IBO who has a problem with the motivation deception, feel free to send me an email with your website and password.

I'll be back...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back, rocket. Looking forward to your "leadership" tidbits. So don't be long!

13 December, 2006 18:44  

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