Thursday, April 20, 2006

IBO Chronicles Comment

I posted this comment in response to the ridiculous shoebox warehouse analogy made by the IBO of IBO Chronicles fame.

It's under the "Empty Shoebox Mentality" post. Here's my thoughts on it, and what I posted about it. You may want to read the original post before my comments. It will likely make more sense that way:

Yes, if it were only that easy.

For a true comparison you should also include the fact that you need to pay money out of your pocket to pay for tapes & CD's to motivate you to continue looking through those boxes.

You would have to include the fact that in order to find 6, you need to go through more than a few hundred thousand boxes.

You would need to include the fact that for each box, you would have to drive a few miles to get to, you are paying for the gas. Sometimes you get home just in time to go to work, having only looked in 1 box that night.
Sometimes you get there to look in the box, and it's a no show.

You would have to pay more money than usual on your household goods while you are searching for these boxes. That's part of it.

You would have to attend meetings every week, associating with other people who are also searching for those boxes. You are not the exclusive person looking in the boxes.

Some of the boxes have already been looked in several times, and they are getting tired of it.

People are not just warehoused by the hundreds of thousands, you have to go out to get them.

Quixtar/Amway is not the only path to success.

I forgot to add the fact that you need to sign an agreement that you will go to the Shoebox Committee if you end up having a dispute with the other shoebox searchers. Their decision will both shut you up and bind you to that decision.

When it gets smacked with a solid dose of reality, it doesn't look that good. Typical upline simplification and minimization.

I doubt he's going to approve it to be left on his blog. I guess we'll soon see.

Coming update as to where I've been.........


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