Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ray Kroc said it......

I'm going to be having a regular Sunday feature about what real successful people have written about, and how in my opinion that relates to the Amway/Quixtar Motivational Organizations.

I was reading the book "Grinding It Out" which, as most of you know, is an autobiography of the founder of McDonald's. This book is very intriguing to me, because it's essentially a no nonsense look at the realities of creating a real corporate empire. He was writing about setting up all his franchisors and creating what would ultimately become the McDonald's empire.

One thing that really caught my attention was this quote, pay attention, it's really intriguing:

"One of the basic decisions I made in this period affected the heart of my franchise system and how it would develop. It was that the corporation was not going to get involved in being a supplier for its operators. My belief was that I had to help the individual operator succeed in every way I could. His success would ensure my success. But I couldn't do that and at the same time, treat him as a customer. There is a basic conflict in trying to treat a man as a partner on the one hand while selling him something at a profit on the other."

I find it to be a very compelling point, and the irony of it should sink in when IBO's use McDonald's as an example of a successful franchise.

Diamonds tell you they are your partners. They are telling you that for you to succeed as a partner, you need to buy the necessary tools.......from them. In most Amway/Quixtar organizations, the tools are essential for your success, it is said. This is according to the very people who profit from the sale of said tools.

Up until a few years ago, the fact that the "leaders" make a substantial profit from the sale of motivational tools was not common knowledge. Now, people can ascertain this by simply surfing the web, or by checking out Scott Larsen's website.

Somehow, it appears as though everything Mr. Kroc was trying to avoid in his business is common practice within Quixtar Motivational Businesses.

Does anyone out there view the motivational organizations as a conflict of interest?


Blogger Nicholas Woodrich said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

28 September, 2005 10:22  

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