Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Countdown is on.....

Well, here we are into January 21st already. Tomorrow is the big day where my wife and I scoot off into the sunny realm of the Dominican Republic.

I was, for the most part, able to get all the major things I needed to have done at work prior to my departure. Friday the 19th was officially the first day of my holidays.

Today, we head into the city and stay overnight at a hotel (After a delicious dinner at Red Lobster of course).

Sunday, reveille is at 0500 hours sharp. At the airport at 0545, check in and clear security by 0645, then the game is afoot.

I have brought along my official CFL football for my buddy and I to throw around on the beach, lotsa sunscreen, and a mindset to have a great time.

I think a good indicator of needing a holiday is finding it hard to leave work to do so.

Further bulletins as events warrant.


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