Saturday, October 15, 2005

Then Do It That Way, Dingbats

Happy Saturday! I was out surfing at the other dude's blog, and for once, I have to say, I was impressed with the actual original (for once) content.

He was obviously referring to my "Doing Something But Not" article the other day.

"It seems as though some people think that just because you drive 200 miles to show the plan, or even if you show the plan and you get regected (sic) you aren't doing anything to achieve success."

Uh, no, what I'm saying is what you've done is wasted your time. It's obvious that you are going to get (more than) a few no's. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if you are driving 200 miles, listening to a tape all the way there and all the way back, and still get a no, don't just accept it as "Doing what it takes". Learn from it! Figure out how to NOT do that again. You've wasted time! Figure out a better way! Don't be a road warrior! You're wasting your time and gas!

"FYI We have the internet, some even have phones now, you don't need to drive 200 miles to show a plan anymore unless you have an area that has a large group"

OK, so use it. Obviously an MP3 file can do what a tape or CD does at an absolute miniscule fraction of the current cost. I understand the power of the internet, and obviously your "leaders" do too, since its a web based business. Why can't it also be web based motivation? Download Dexter Yager talking about how he knows what it's like to be Jesus, and about all his girlfriends in school, burn it to CD, and fill your boots on your next road trip. I wonder why they wouldn't do that if motivation is the key to your success?

"I can show someone the complete business in 5 minutes."

Any business worth anything takes a little more than 5 minutes to explain. Sorry, that's pretty sad. You should regret saying that.

"FYI also, when I mentioned you can put 7500PV on ditto delivery, I am not talking about stocking up on products, I am saying you can put all of your clients on ditto delivery."

Yep, you sure could, IF your products weren't priced out of the market. Don't worry, my pricing study is in the works. WOW! Your shipping costs are really high! You should lobby Quixtar toi have them put the motivation and products together to shave a few bucks off shipping! As it is, you will have one hell of a time getting enough people on ditto (especially with your insane shipping fees) to achieve 7500 PV.

Good Luck Though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just a quick comment about your post.

"don't just accept it as "Doing what it takes". Learn from it! Figure out how to NOT do that again."

I am learning new things all the time. You assume way too many things about me.

"Obviously an MP3 file can do what a tape or CD does at an absolute miniscule fraction of the current cost."

You are right it does, that is why my upline diamond and I are working on a new training website so our new people can get free MP3's, PDF's and get into our private forum and get direct questions answered. My upline diamond does listen to my ideas even though I am not currently on the tools system.

"Any business worth anything takes a little more than 5 minutes to explain. Sorry, that's pretty sad. You should regret saying that."

I NEVER regret saying anything. It is a simple enough business model to understand. People are going to decide to do this business or not in 7 minutes or less anyways.

"Your shipping costs are really high!"

I look forward to reading how high you really think they are. It should be an informative read.


16 October, 2005 10:04  
Blogger rocket said...

That's fantastic about the tools website. Let me know when it's up and running.

You could even circumvent any website costs and your leaders could just email a few MP3 files every week to their group, rather than having to purchase them, then ship them.

Again, always nice to hear your viewpoint Michael. I'm all about 2 way communication.

16 October, 2005 12:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Our website is already up and running but you'll be hard pressed to gain any access to it unless you were to join as one of my downline leaders.

I did not refute anything from ;-)), I just stated you were copying from him and your thoughts and opinions are not your own. I quite honestly don't mind communicating with you, just quit twisting my words around. Deal?

16 October, 2005 17:55  
Blogger xanadustc said...

BWW has been talking about MP3s for a long time; it has not happened yet. In my opinion, MP3s are much cheaper to disperse and much easier to give away. BWW does teach never to copy CD's for someone; it is like a major sin.

The functions are paid for, a small $5 annual fee for all IBO's would more than pay for web hosting, and the whole motivation business would become free. There are companies that have similar systems, take Reliv for example. The Corporation pays for all the hosting and the system expenses are more or less free (except the conferences which are around $20 for most of them).

Why does BWW not do this? It wouls take away 80% of their money.

Refute that.

18 October, 2005 09:30  

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